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How much sleep is enough in Ayurveda?

How much sleep is enough in Ayurveda?

  • April 21, 2021

It is a well-known fact that sleep is a very essential part of the functioning of the Human body. No other function can be conducted properly without enough sound sleep. Ayurveda believes that the quality and quantity of the sleep that we take directly affects our health. And not just that, our dietary system and skin health is also affected by our sleeping habits. According to Ayurveda, there are few processes that occur only while sleeping and have no other alternative. This is the reason why sleep is very important and some important ayurvedic tips for good sleep are also there. In fact, the Ayurveda sleep position is also prescribed to help people improve their health. 

We will cover in this article:

Ayurveda Helps with Better Sleep
Good Sleep Position Plays a Role
The Best Sleeping Time will Benefit You
Ayurvedic tips for good sleep
Ayurvedic Experts Suggest
Frequently Asked Questions
To Sum Up

Ayurveda Helps with Better Sleep 

In case somebody is not able to sleep at all, it is called Nidranasha in the language of Ayurveda. The importance of sleep in ayurveda is considered to be very crucial and it is said that if there’s an occasional lack of sleep, then it might make you feel tired for the next day, but on the other hand, there are some people who are not able to sleep for a longer period of time, because if one or the other reason, such chronic lack of sleep can lead to the physical and mental disorder and can damage your health at the same time. This is why ayurveda sleep position plays a vital role and you can easily improve the ayurvedic sleep cycles. 

Good Sleep Position Plays a Role

Ayurveda suggests some specific ayurvedic tips for good sleep and the best Ayurveda sleep position which actually works in most cases. There are some particular ayurvedic sleep cycles and also ayurvedic sleep positions that improve the quality and quantity of your sleep and keep your body energetic and healthy. In fact, you can seek benefits by regularizing ayurvedic sleep cycles. It is said that, without proper sleep, our body cannot go through the process of repair or rejuvenation, which is again a very important step. Also, without sound sleep, it is impossible for a human body to work at a normal pace. Be it your metabolism, creativity, mental health, or emotional balance, you will find that nothing is working properly if you haven’t slept properly for a long time. 

The Best Sleeping Time will Benefit You 

Ayurveda also suggests the best time to sleep and wake up according to vedas. It says that there is a specific time which is best to sleep during the day and you should follow proper ayurvedic sleep cycles for better results. And it is also believed that every individual requires a different amount of sleep and on the other hand the quality of sleep also differs, some people can manage with just a nap while others cannot work on it. Hence, the best time to sleep and wake up according to vedas is stated but differs for all.

If we talk about Ayurvedic tips for good sleep, there is an entire list that we can follow:

The very first among ayurvedic tips for good sleep says that one should sleep between 8 to 10 pm in the evening and this time period is called ‘Kapha’, whereas it is always advised to wake up by sunrise and the duration is called ‘Vata’ in the ayurvedic language. According to Ayurveda, waking up at 3 am is considered to be the best as it is the time before sunrise. It is always recommended in Ayurveda waking up at 3 am, to achieve the goal of a sound and healthy sleep.

Ayurvedic Experts Suggest 

Some Ayurvedic experts also suggest that one should follow a proper routine before bedtime every day and this is to calm your body after the entire hectic day which leads to a sound sleep. This routine includes body oiling, which is called abhyanga, and taking a warm shower that relaxes your body. It is believed that before sleeping is the best time to bath according to Ayurveda as you feel relaxed and clean after all the dirt and pollution you face throughout the day and When you take shower just before sleeping which is the best time to bath according to Ayurveda, it will automatically enhance the quality of your sleep.

Watch Your Position and Sleep on Floor for Better Results 

Sleeping on the floor in Ayurveda is also considered as one of the factors, which can improve the quality of your sleep. Though it is not applicable in all cases, those who face a lack of sleep on their beds can definitely try sleeping on the floor by Ayurveda once, and it might work.

It is said that there are some particular Ayurveda sleep positions such as Vata types should always sleep on their backs while the Kapha types should sleep on the left side. In this way, there is some recommended Ayurveda sleep position, which can prove really beneficial for a sound sleep. As per the ayurvedic sleep cycles, one should always ignore to sleep in the late afternoon which is after 3 pm as it might disturb your regular cycle of sleeping.

If you still have any doubt, you might have some questions in mind. Here are some frequently asked questions that people generally have: 

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many times one should eat in a day according to Ayurveda?
A: Ayurveda suggests having three meals in a day is beneficial for our body. 
Q: What is the best time to wake up according to Ayurveda?
A: There is a huge importance of sleep in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, waking up at 3 am or 45 minutes before sunrise is good for health. 
Q: How can I sleep better in Ayurveda?
A: Oil massage, body massage, Medhya Rasayana (Nootropic Herbs), grapes, good sleeping position, exercise, and a balanced diet will help you sleep better. 
Q: How can I reduce my Vata immediately?
A: Go to bed at 10 PM, maintain a healthy routine, take a vata-pacifying diet, boiled milk with cardamom, and Practice Transcendental Meditation to reduce Vata immediately. 
Q: How is Vata removed from the body?
A: Garlic intake is the best way to remove vata dosha from the body. 
Q: What foods should Vata avoid?
A: You should avoid raw foods. The tastes that balance vata are sour, sweet, and salty. 

To Sum Up

Exercising which is also called Pranayama in the language of Ayurveda also plays a very crucial role in our sleeping habits. Someone who regularly prefers exercises and physical activities are observed to have more sound and good quality sleep than those who don’t. Hence, exercising daily is also one of the important ayurvedic tips for good sleep.

Following the above tips, one can get a good quality and quantity of sleep and it becomes easy to lead a healthy life.

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