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5 Most Effective Ayurvedic Treatments

5 Most Effective Ayurvedic Treatments

  • September 14, 2021

Ayurvedic remedies are indigenous to Indian culture and have long been regarded as a respected kind of alternative medicine. While it has influenced Western medicine, individuals who have added Ayurvedic medicine and treatments to their arsenal see it as a complementary treatment that should not be used in place of other treatments for sickness and disease. Ayurvedic healing procedures have been employed all over the world to supplement an existing treatment therapy or programme and improve the recipient’s quality of life.

1. Pizichilli Treatment

In Western society, therapists offer a variety of therapies, including the Pizichilli Ayurvedic Massage. With soothing streams of warm, herbal oils rubbed into the body in the form of a massage, this therapy is aimed to purify and renew the body. While the experience will leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed, the ultimate goal of this therapy is to improve circulation and eliminate toxins throughout the body.

2. Udvartna Treatment to Target Lymphatics

For improved blood flow and circulation, the Udvartna therapy exfoliates the skin and activates muscles throughout the human body. Two therapists will employ Ayurvedic remedies and medicine, such as herbal pastes and oils, to conduct techniques that will reduce fluid retention and drain the lymphatic system, resulting in a sense of awareness. This decrease in fluids will leave you feeling lighter and more energised.

3. Gandharva Therapy

This category of Ayurvedic treatments is the most harmonious of the bunch, focusing on sound therapy to promote mental and physical tranquillity. The crystal singing bowls awaken the patient’s vitality and happiness by addressing the energies of both the mind and body. While this treatment does not involve touch or Ayurvedic medicine, you will be amazed at how successful this type of sound can be in restoring health and a deep sense of well-being.

4. Shirodhara Treatment for the Central Nervous System

Shirodhara therapy is an Ayurvedic treatment that is used to produce a deep meditative state. Your therapist will pour warm oils over your forehead in a systematic manner during this calming treatment, focusing on the intuitive energetic core of the body. You will become more creative and insightful by soothing the area in the sixth chakra through frequent sessions.

5. Marma Junctions

This Ayurvedic treatment represents the point where your body, emotions, and mind meet. The therapist will execute circular touches that will stimulate certain spots in the human body for energy, restoration, and regeneration, using ayurvedic treatments and oils that are special to this junction. These motions will activate your internal healing mechanism, resulting in a profound sense of well-being.

As you can see, depending on your disease, there are a variety of therapies that can be used. Consult with a Ayurvedic therapist or professional who can help you with your specific issues. Ayurvedic therapies are a wonderful method to re-energize your body, mind, and spirit.

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