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Akarkara Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

Akarkara Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

  • June 27, 2024

Akarkara, otherwise botanically known as Anacyclus Pyrethrum, is a famous herbaceous plant and traditionally used in Ayurveda and Unani systems of medicine. From the point of view of mighty therapeutic properties, Akarkara root is popularly known as “Indian Pellitory” or “Pellitory Root.” This wonderful herb confers health benefits and has been used since ancient times in many diseases. This blog covers information on health benefits, uses, and some essential associated facts about Akarkara. It mainly describes its benefits for males and females. 

 Akarkara Root Benefits 

Akarkara root must be consumed because it is tied to various health benefits, all attributed to its rich phytochemical makeup. Some of the key benefits include: 

  • Enhances Immunity 

Akarkara root helps to fight against infections in the body, thereby enhancing the immunity system of the body. The active components present in these roots helps the person to remain energetic and tends to reduce any sort of weakness in the body. 

  • Brain Health 

Akarkara roots contains dibenzo-alpha-pyrones, which helps to function the brain more effectively and affluently. It helps a person to remain focused towards a particular task. It enhances the thinking capacity of the person. Also, these roots help to lower the stress and anxiety. Research shows that akarkara roots can work amazing in problems like depression, uneasiness, fatigueless, and restlessness. 

  • Reduces Pain and Inflammation 

It is believed that Akarkara roots tends to possess anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, and analgesic properties. This helps to make it excellent in reducing pain and inflammation, caused due to arthritis. The composition of active ingredients like alkaloids and flavonoids helps the body to recover from excessive pain. 

  • Digestive System 

Akarkara roots are known not only known for good digestion benefits but also helps to treat problems like diarrhea, heartburns, stomach-ache etc. These herbs promote the secretion of digestive juices, vanishes the abdominal gas, relieves from bloating and cramps. 

  • Sexual Health 

Libido, or sexual energy is enhanced by taking akarkara roots. Aphrodisiac properties in akarkara are the ultimate source of improving fertility in men and women. It helps to increase stamina by increasing the blood circulation inside the genitals. 

  • Fights Respiratory Troubles 

As mentioned Akarkara roots has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-asthmatic properties; which helps to cure all the flu diseases such as common cold and cough. The plant is a great source of fighting with asthmatic conditions. 

Also read:- Shirodhara

Akarkara Benefits for Males 

  • Testosterone Level 

Akarkara roots help in the secretion of testosterone, the male sex hormone which increases the blood flow level in the main part. Thus, the process helps in the overall sexual health of males. 

  • Helps in Erection 

The roots of the plant help maintain the erection process of males. People suffering from erectile problems can resolve their problems with the help of Akarkara roots. 

  • Enhances Sperm Production 

To enhance male fertility, the production and the quality of the sperm is improved thrice than the prior. These are beneficial in maintaining good quality sperm count. 

  • Increases Stamina 

The sexual drive of males increases by regularly consuming Akarkara roots. It helps to increase stamina by boosting immunity and removes weakness from an individual.  

Overall, Akarkara roots smooths the secretion of testosterone and increases blood circulation level, which helps in erection and promotes the production of good quality sperms, thereby increasing the stamina and vitality of males.  

 Akarkara Benefits for Females 

  • Menstrual Cycle 

Akarkara roots consists antispasmodic characteristics which not only helps to maintain your period cycle regularly every month but also relieves you from menstrual pain and cramps. 

  • Improves Fertility 

Since the menstrual cycle is balanced, it means there is no hormonal imbalance. This implies akarkara roots help the reproductive system to work at its best, which further helps in fertility. 

  • Menopause 

Menopause is not an easy part of a woman’s life. It brings sense of uneasiness, mood swings, and hot flashes. Akarkara roots helps in fighting these problems by relaxing the body and mind of female. 

  • Enhanced Sexual Drive 

Libido, or sexual energy of females, just like males, is enhanced because of akarkara roots because of aphrodisiac properties.  

Thus, in case of females, Akarkara roots works wonder. It helps in maintaining a perfect menstrual cycle to cut any hormonal imbalance, thereby increasing fertility as well as sexual drive-in females. It also helps in menopause.  

Also read:- Black Tea vs. Green Tea Benefits 

 Akarkara Root Powder 

Akarkara roots, crushed in powder form are more effective as the powder can be easily dissolved in water, milk, or honey. Other way to take Akarkara Root Powder in herbal teas or in summers, more specifically, in Brahmi. Else, mixing akarkara root powder with coconut oil, olive oil, or any carrier oil helps in relieving pain to the swollen area. Most impactfully, Akarkara Root Powder can be used for below mentioned reasons. 

  • Oral Hygiene 

This root powder helps in cutting down the bad bacteria in the mouth, reduces swollen gums and inflammation in infected areas of mouth. It also helps to sustain a good oral hygiene by removing bad smell from mouth area. 

  • Childhood Apraxia of Speech 

Childhood apraxia of speech is a disorder which deals with children who are not able to make the precise gestures while speaking. More generally, they feel difficulty while speaking. Akarkara root powder acts as a brain tonic and is useful in treating this type of disorder.  

 Important Facts about Akarkara Roots 

  • Akarkara is a kind of herbal medicate that its usage dates back to the Ayurvedic and Unani forms of medicine and was used to cure toothache, digestive complication, and sexual ailments. 
  • It is always important to consult your dietician or physician before adding anything to your diet. 
  • Pregnant ladies or breastfeeding mothers are strictly not required to use these roots before consultation. 


Akarkara is a potent herb and has many uses in healing process. Specifically, the root yields sexual benefits for both men and women. It improves sexual intercourses, increases immunity and overall health. Whether taken as the finely ground powders or as combined with other herbs, Akarkara root should be an essential component of recommended dietary program. But you need to be sure of the right ways to using it and should always seek advice from a healthcare professional to reap more of the benefits and at the same time avoid most of the complications. 

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