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What Is The Strongest Natural Antibiotic For Tooth Infection?

What Is The Strongest Natural Antibiotic For Tooth Infection?

  • June 13, 2024

Natural Antibiotic & Home Remedy 

 Tooth Infection can be highly irritating and awful. It happens when pus or bacteria attack dental pulp, the underlying part of tooth. There can be several reasons for tooth infection, some include injury, tooth decay, gum disease, and broken teeth. However, it is always important to visit a dentist, but some strong natural antibiotics and home remedies can work like the cherry on the cake. Let’s explore these in this blog post.  

 The Strongest Natural Antibiotic for Tooth Infection 

Natural antibiotics are vital in prevention and minimizing tooth infections due to their effectiveness of their antibacterial characteristics. These natural substances may improve the state and fight pathogenic organisms. Here, we present some of the naturally available antibiotics for tooth abscess along with their usage. 


Ginger is something which is easily available in the Indian households. Ginger contains some active compounds (basically gingerol and glycerol) in it, which makes it possess antibacterial properties. It helps to reduce inflammation around the affected part. It helps to increase circulation in the infected area, relaxing muscles and eliminates toothaches. 


Let’s understand how to intake ginger, you can drink lukewarm Ginger Tea, 2-3times per day. Otherwise, applying Ginger Paste (mixing fresh ginger with water) can always help to reduce severe pain. Always remember to apply the paste twice or thrice a day, using clean finger or cotton. Besides this, Ginger Oil is another option. You just need to take 1-2drops on a cotton pad and apply it around the infected area, again 2-3times per day. Most effective can be to Chewing Ginger. It will help to increase circulation, relax muscles and thereby decrease pain. Chew ginger approximately for 7-8minutes a few times a day.  

Though ginger can help to reduce pain and inflammation, professional dental care is a must. 

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Clove contains eugenol, making it rich in antibacterial and analgesic characteristics. Clove Oil is easily available in any pharmaceutical store. It is the best available solution for minor dental problems. You just need to put 2-3 drops on a cotton pad or apply it with your clean fingers for 10-15minutes, and then wash lightly with warm water. In case you have sensitive gums, you need to mix the clove oil with some coconut oil. Another way can be making a Clove Paste (mixing ground cloves and water or olive oil), or just place a Whole Clove. Chewing a whole clove gently for 15-20 minutes extracts its oil and helps to cure dental problems. Clean your mouth gently with normal water. Always remember to concern your dentist before taking any of these. 



Garlic is known as the best natural antibiotic. It contains an active component, named allicin. Allicin helps to kill bacteria and reduces inflammation in the gums. Squash a fresh Garlic Clove and add a pinch of salt to it, apply it to the affected tooth. Always apply it with your cleaned fingers or a cotton swab. Otherwise, Chewing Garlic directly slowly releases its antibacterial properties. However, you need to visit your doctor for complete oral health. 




An antibacterial, anti-inflammatory along with antioxidant properties are found in Turmeric as it contains an active compound, called curcumin. Make a thick paste of Turmeric Powder with coconut oil or water. Apply it with clean fingers or swab for 15-20minutes. Rinse it with warm water. Another way can be mixing the same amount of turmeric with salt in lukewarm water. Gargle it for 1-2minutes for the results. It is always believed that using Turmeric and Honey Paste for 15-20minutes in the affected area helps to reduce inflammation. Besides this, for any serious infection or any remedial solution, first it is better to talk to your dentist. 



Manuka Honey – a raw honey, having antioxidant and antimicrobial characteristics which prohibits the further growth of bacteria. Just apply it directly over the affected part. Else, make a mixture of Manuka Honey and Water and swoosh it around your mouth. Applying Honey and Turmeric Paste is another method to heal your gums. In case of deep pain and swelling, it is mandatory to visit your dentist. 



Constitutes like carvacrol and thymol have microbicidal and anti-inflammatory effects. These are generally found in Oregano Oil. You can make a mixture of oregano oil and water. Swish it into your mouth, which will help to reduce infection. Otherwise, mix oregano oil with carrier oil (coconut oil or olive oil). Apply it with the help of a dropper or cotton swab. 

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 Home Remedies for Tooth Infection 


Simple and significant, gargles with saltwater are quite helpful and operative. It helps to kill bacteria from the infected part. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in a glass full of water. Stir it until it completely dissolves. Rinse it into your mouth for a couple of minutes. Make sure to repeat it twice or thrice a day. 


Dissolve 3% Hydrogen Peroxide with water in same proportion. Try not to consume hydrogen peroxide straightway. It can be extremely harmful. You need to rinse the diluted solution for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Limit its use to only 2 times a day. Wash your mouth with clean water. 


A temporary solution to reduce pain and swelling before visiting your dentist can be a cold compress. Do not apply ice directly, rather wrap it in a cotton or muslin cloth. The better option can be to use a cold pack on the skin area for 15-20minutes. This can help you to relax your pain.  


Peppermint Tea Bags can be an ultimate home remedy for temporary relief. Put the tea bag in warm water and then to your inflammatory part. Peppermint Oil can also be effective.  


To reduce infection and pain, mix baking soda with some amount of water and make a paste. Use the paste to your infected part. Try to leave it for several minutes and then rinse your mouth after this. 


Such forms of medications can aid in the control of tooth infections insofar as they can also help to reduce the symptoms. From the list of natural elements, ginger, garlic, clove oil, turmeric, oregano oil and raw honey are among the most potent, dealing with infections and inflammation. A gentle saltwater solution can be used to rinse the affected area, and a Hydrogen Peroxide solution can also be used to rinse the area, cold compress also helps the area to heal as well as peppermint tea bags also help, and baking soda paste can be used to wash the area. But it is so important to visit and be concerned with your dentist. The most common infections that affect the teeth are those that cause tooth decay, and these should be prevented through regular brushing and flossing, and by regular visits to the dental practitioner. 


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