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Yellow Watermelon: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Yellow Watermelon: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

  • June 21, 2024

Were someone to just mention the term ‘watermelon’, this is what should come to the minds of everyone: Red-flesh watermelon. But is not quite fascinating to know that in this world there present almost about 1200+ types of watermelon, being cultivated in 96 countries. In this blog, we look at foods under the Yellow Watermelon category to learn more on its Nutritional Facts and Health Benefits. 

Yellow Watermelon 

In India, yellow watermelon is cultivated in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Tripura. Generally, they are the sweetest in taste. Although the rind of watermelon is green, the name comes from its yellow pulp. Also, it contains an antioxidant – beta carotene, which makes it yellow. These are available all year, but more specifically, are popular in summer. Yellow watermelons have their sub-categories too – Buttercup yellow watermelon (seedless, sweeter), Yellow doll (early matured and thus small), Yellow Crimson (common, sweet), Desert King (king of yellow watermelon), Yellow flesh black Diamond (known for its sweetness).  

Yellow Watermelon Seeds 

The seeds of yellow watermelon are edible and robust to maintain a healthy body. They are also sources of protein, health oils, and minerals. It contains magnesium and iron. Also, these seeds provide good fats, which helps a person from heart disease and lowers cholesterol level. The body’s digestive system can be improved as the seeds tend to have zinc, which also helps in cell functioning. It is noteworthy that incorporating these seeds into your diet will help improve the overall healthy attributes of the fruit you are consuming. 

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Nutritional Value of Yellow Watermelon 

By nature, yellow watermelon is rather nutritive in food value. As a tropical fruit, it is considered to have a low carbohydrate content, 46 calories per cup serving around 150 to155 grams. It contains vitamin A and vitamin C; the vitamin A content in this type of watermelon is 18% per day, and the vitamin C content is 21% of the daily allowance. Also, one cup of yellow watermelon contains traces of potassium whose value on a daily basis is at 5%. It possesses 1 gram of protein and 11.5 grams carbohydrates, though it possesses 0.2 grams of fat with 9.4 grams of sugar. Some traces of vitamin B6 are also found in watermelon. As mentioned earlier, yellow watermelon contains an antioxidant, beta-carotene which not only gives its flesh a yellow color but also protects from any sort of eye disease and cancer too. This antioxidant converts into vitamin A inside the body. Another antioxidant is Citrulline, which has been ascertained to reduce muscle pain through promotion of blood circulation. The seeds of yellow watermelon contain magnesium, iron, and zinc, which are useful in reducing cholesterol in the body hence minimizing the probability of contracting heart disease. It also ranks high in water content with being composed of 92% which makes it ideal for boosting the water intake of the body.  

Yellow Watermelon Health Benefits 

  • Protects from Chronic Diseases 

Yellow watermelon tends to contain an antioxidant, Beta-carotene. This becomes a source of Vitamin A inside the body. It helps from the massive diseases such as heart problems and cancer. Citrulline helps to increase the blood circulation. Thus, yellow watermelon is helpful to fight against heart diseases and life-taking cancer.  

  • Eliminates Dehydration 

92% of water content is found in yellow watermelon. This fruit is ideal for boosting water intake in the body. It hydrates your body well, so no chance of dehydration. In summers specially, yellow watermelon helps to nurture your body by leveling the fluids, thereby eliminating dehydration. 

  • Promotes Eye Health  

Yellow watermelon protects from any sort of eye diseases such as night blindless and eyesight weakening. As the high amount of beta-carotene contributes to support complete eye health. It contributes to the synthesis of the pigments present in the retina of the eye and also has anti-aging properties that would assist in preventing age related macular degeneration and night blindness. 

  • Boosts Immunity 

Vitamin C present in yellow watermelon increases your immunity by boosting your immune system. More effective immune system corresponds to less illness. It increases your metabolism level which helps to feel less lethargic and keeps you away from infections. 

  • Healthy Skin 

As the water content is exclusively high in yellow watermelon, it tends to make your skin glow. Vitamin C has anti-aging properties, thereby making your skin softer and healthier. Vitamin B6 helps to repair your cakey skin, giving it a smoother texture. Overall, the skin becomes the healthiest. 

  • Improves Digestive System  

Yellow watermelon contains traces of fiber which helps to remove constipation and ease the bowel movement. The high amount of water content in yellow watermelon helps to improve your digestive system. Adding yellow watermelon to your diet will help to eliminate toxins from your body. Thus, it helps to maintain overall health of the body. 

 How to Add Yellow Watermelon to Your Diet? 

Yellow watermelon can be added to your diet in various forms. One such form is to simply cut the watermelon and enjoy it in the form of slices. Or else, you can always add them to salads, making it more effective and refreshing. The hydrating properties of yellow watermelon make it wonderful in taste of smoothies. Cherry on the top functions as yellow watermelon is naturally sweet, thus no need to add extra preservatives. Juices are also a great option to take yellow watermelon. In a modern way, yellow watermelon can be grilled. It all depends on one’s taste buds and choices. 

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To summarize, yellow watermelon is such a healthy fruit that not only hydrates the body but also provides it with a good supply of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Yellow watermelon has several benefits as discussed in the blog. Inherent with high antioxidant content combined with several vitamins and minerals it is a vital ingredient in your diet. Be it fresh, in salads, or blended for that refreshing drink, yellow watermelon is always an excellent choice to refresh and rejuvenate the body. By making the inclusion of yellow watermelon and its seeds into your diet, you have a delicious taste alongside securing substantive health benefits.  

Yellow Watermelon FAQs

1. What is Yellow Watermelon?

Yellow watermelon is a variety of watermelon that has yellow flesh instead of the more common red or pink. It is known for its sweet taste and vibrant color.

2. What are the Benefits of Eating Yellow Watermelon?

  1. Rich in Vitamins: Yellow watermelon is a good source of vitamins A and C, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin, eyes, and immune function.
  2. Antioxidants: It contains antioxidants like beta-carotene, which helps combat free radicals in the body and can reduce the risk of certain diseases.
  3. Hydration: Like red watermelon, yellow watermelon is composed of about 90% water, making it an excellent choice for staying hydrated.
  4. Low in Calories: Yellow watermelon is low in calories, making it a great option for those looking to manage their weight.
  5. Digestive Health: The fiber content in yellow watermelon aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.

3. Are Yellow Watermelon Seeds Edible?

Yes, yellow watermelon seeds are edible. They can be eaten raw or roasted and are a good source of protein, healthy fats, and minerals such as magnesium and iron.

4. How Do You Select a Ripe Yellow Watermelon?

To select a ripe yellow watermelon, look for the following:

  • Uniform Shape: The watermelon should have a consistent shape without any dents or irregularities.
  • Weight: A ripe watermelon will feel heavy for its size, indicating high water content.
  • Field Spot: The underside should have a creamy yellow spot, which indicates it ripened on the vine.
  • Sound: Tap the watermelon and listen for a deep, hollow sound, suggesting it is ripe.

5. How Should You Store Yellow Watermelon?

  • Whole Watermelon: Store at room temperature for up to a week. For longer storage, keep it in the refrigerator.
  • Cut Watermelon: Once cut, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator. Consume within 3-5 days for the best quality.

6. Can You Grow Yellow Watermelon at Home?

Yes, you can grow yellow watermelon at home. Here are some tips:

  • Climate: Watermelons require a warm climate with plenty of sunshine.
  • Soil: They thrive in well-drained, sandy loam soil.
  • Planting: Sow the seeds directly in the garden after the last frost, or start indoors 3-4 weeks before transplanting.
  • Watering: Water consistently, especially during dry spells, but avoid waterlogging the soil.
  • Fertilization: Use a balanced fertilizer to encourage healthy growth.

7. How Does Yellow Watermelon Compare to Red Watermelon?

  • Flavor: Yellow watermelon tends to be sweeter and slightly more honey-like in flavor compared to the traditional red variety.
  • Nutrient Content: Both types are nutritious, but yellow watermelon is particularly high in beta-carotene, while red watermelon has more lycopene, another powerful antioxidant.
  • Color: The obvious difference is the flesh color, which can be a fun and visually appealing alternative in fruit salads and dishes.


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